Thinking With God - Does God Care Who You Vote For?

Thinking With God - Does God Care Who You Vote For?

Today is voting day. In the United States, we are blessed to have a voice. It’s our responsibility to vote for those who most align with our views and values. We will be under their leadership.

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. - Romans 13:1

It’s our responsibility to vote for those who most honor God. At the same time, God is in control of all things. This is not an excuse to be complacent. Instead, this gives us hope in our vote. If you haven’t already, let’s vote to honor Christ today!

I love you all, give your best to Christ today!

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Thinking With God

One of the greatest desires of mankind is peace in our soul. God tells us in His Word that this peace can only come through a relationship with Jesus Christ who reconciles us to Himself. I make it my ambition to share the love of Jesus and provide wisdom and insight from His Word to help others be reconciled back to God and experience true love and peace through Jesus Christ.

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